During this health crisis, many political, medical, scientific, legal, journalistic, artistic personalities rose up against disproportionate measures that have been imposed by governments and by the European Union. This article will analyze the position of MEPs on the subject of the health crisis. At the end of the article, I also share with you some videos of MEPs key speeches.
The European Parliament comprises 696 MEPs from the 27 countries of the European Union.
This graph should interrogate us about the loss of sovereignty of “small” countries…
MEPs are categorized into different political groups:
- EPP : European People’s Party (Christian Democrats)
- S&D : Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats in the European Parliament
- Renew : Renew Europe
- The Greens/EFA : The Greens/European Free Alliance
- ID : Identity and Democracy
- ECR : European Conservatives and Reformists
- NR : Not Registered
- The Left : The Left in the European Parliament
The European Parliament is mainly composed of members of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) at 25%, and members of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats at 20%.
For your information, here is the data on gender parity by country and by political group.
- Finland and Sweden are the only two countries to be represented in the European Parliament by more women than men.
- Three countries have a perfect parity: Luxembourg, Latvia and Denmark.
- Cypriots are the only citizens to have elected only men to represent them in the European Parliament.
We can observe that men are represented at more than 50% in all political groups. Those with the most female politicians are the Greens and the Left groups.
It is difficult to achieve a perfect parity after an election since the choice is up to the voters. Usually, parity appears at the time of the electoral campaign (if the electoral process is the same as in France).
To end this introduction, here is a more precise analysis of the distribution of MEPs by political group and by country:
We can notice, for example, that:
- Greece, Ireland and Cyprus have almost a third of MEPs from The Left. However, The Left within the European Union represents only 5% of MEPs.
- Poland has elected more than 50% of conservative and reformist MEPs. On the scale of the European Union, this political group represents only 9% of the elected representatives.
- Italy and France respectively have elected 1/3rd and 1/4rth of “Identity and Democracy” MEPs. This political group represents only 9% of MEPs.
- Finland and Germany have elected more than 20% of “Green” MEPs. At European Union level, the Greens/European Free Alliance represents only 10% of MEPs.
- Estonia and Denmark have elected more than 40% of Renew MEPs. They represent only 15% in total.
- Malta is a country which has elected more than 2/3rd of the MEPs of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats, whereas they are represented at 21% within the EU.
- Hungary and Denmark have elected less than 10% of MEPs from the “European People’s Party (Christian Democrats)” and this is the most represented political group within the European Union.
This analysis also demonstrates the loss of countrie’s sovereignty which, by joining the European Union, have their decision-making power dissolved within it.
Personally, I attach little importance to political labels. What matters to me is the work provided. Usually, rather in agreement with the ideas of “The Left” and “The Greens”, I was surprised to see the quality of the work, concerning the health crisis, of a MEP labeled “far right” … We will therefore see the MEPs who have defended the rights and freedoms of populations during this “health” crisis.
Explanation of the analysis process
The results will be presented in the following order and with the following information:
- The voting status (enhanced version with categories explained below)
- The political group
- The country
- The first and last name
- The Email-address
MEPs have been classified in several categories according to the 4 ballots mentioned below: the absentees, the pros freedom-destroying measures, the undecided and the defenders of rights and freedoms.
- The absentees are those who havn’t been present for at least one of the 4 votes in the European Parliament.
- The “pro freedom-destroying measures” are the MEPs who voted at least once “FOR” the Digital Identity Certificate or “AGAINST” the text’s rejection.
The abstainers, during one of the 4 ballots, has been classified as “pro freedom-destroying measures” because as Martin Luther King would say: “He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.”
- The “undecided” are the MEPs who one day vote “against”, one day vote “for” and/or another day abstain…
- The “defenders of rights and freedoms” are the MEPs who voted at least once “AGAINST” the Digital Identity Certificate or “FOR” the rejection of the text.
The political group is the latest. (Sometimes politicians change political groups during their mandate.)
Absenteeism tolerance is set at 30% as in my previous analyses. Therefore, a MEP who has been absent more than once during the 4 ballots below will be considered as a MEP who isn’t very diligent. I will split the analysis of the last 3 categories into two in order to separate those who are more present and those who are less present in their workplace. I will also qualify the analysis to take into account the MEPs who co-signed the parliamentary question – P-006641/2020 concerning the transparency of contracts for COVID-19 vaccines from 04/12/2020.
The start and end dates of the mandate have been taken into account for the absenteeism rate’s calculation.
The 4 votes analyzed are as follows:
- PV-9-2022-06-23 regarding the rejection of the EU digital COVID Certificate for EU citizens (item 19)
- PV-9-2022-06-23 regarding the provisional agreement of the EU Digital COVID Certificate for EU citizens (item 20)
- PV-9-2022-06-23 regarding the rejection of the EU Digital COVID Certificate for Third Country Nationals (item 21)
- PV-9-2022-06-23 regarding the provisional agreement of the EU Digital COVID Certificate for third-country nationals (item 22)
Feel free to send me links to other ballots. Thus, I’ll update the analysis.
My analysis is based on 699 MEPs (the 696 MEPs currently sitting in the European Parliament – 11 MEPs who entered after June 23, 2022 + 14 MEPs who left after June 23, 2022).
Apologies for the layout of the tables which is not optimal. You can copy-paste the table in a worksheet in order to exploit the data.
Summary of absenteeism and votes
MEPs from the Greens political group have the lowest absenteeism rate with a rate of 7.4%. MEPs who don’t belong to a political group are the most absent in the European Parliament. The average absenteeism rate of all MEPs, regardless the political group, is 16.1% (a rate which is very satisfactory if we compare it to the absenteeism rate of French MEPs on the same subject).
All MEPs from EU countries have an absenteeism rate of less than 30% except Finland, Hungary and Latvia. MEPs from Portugal and Luxembourg were present during the 4 votes analysed.
The great defenders of fundamental rights and freedoms are in the political groups Identity and Democracy (ID) and half within the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR).
All the other political groups (European People’s Party (EPP), The Left in the European Parliament, The Greens/European Free Alliance (Greens/EFA), Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats in the European Parliament (S&D) and Renew) are those who vote mainly in favor of draconian and discriminatory measures.
The majority of the undecided, who are not stable in their votes, belong to the political group of the Left in the European Parliament.
Summary of absenteeism and votes by MEPs
The absentees
103 MEPs didn’t present themselves at all to the European Parliament concerning the 4 ballots mentioned above.
–> Let’s hold them to account! Why don’t they do their job and collect a salary paid with our taxes? We’ll have to ask the same question to those who are not diligent…
Out of the 103 absents MEPs, 6 has co-signed the parliamentary question on the transparency of contracts relating to COVID-19 vaccines.
Political Group | Country | First name | Last name | |
S&D | Austria | Andreas | SCHIEDER | andreas.schieder@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Slovakia | Miroslav | ČÍŽ | miroslav.ciz@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Slovakia | Monika | BEŇOVÁ | monika.benova@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | France | Karima | DELLI | karima.delli@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | France | Michèle | RIVASI | michele.rivasi@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | France | Manuel | BOMPARD | manuel.bompard@europarl.europa.eu |
97 MEPs didn’t show up for the votes analyzed and weren’t mentioned in the parliamentary question on the transparency of contracts relating to COVID-19 vaccines.
Political Group | Country | First name | Last name | |
ECR | Bulgaria | Angel | DZHAMBAZKI | angel.dzhambazki@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Greece | Emmanouil | FRAGKOS | emmanouilfragkos@gmail.com |
ECR | Italy | Giuseppe | MILAZZO | giuseppe.milazzo@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Italy | Raffaele | STANCANELLI | raffaele.stancanelli@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Latvia | Roberts | ZĪLE | roberts.zile@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Lithuania | Valdemar | TOMAŠEVSKI | valdemar.tomasevski@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Netherlands | Dorien | ROOKMAKER | dorien.rookmaker@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Poland | Izabela-Helena | KLOC | izabela.kloc@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Poland | Karol | KARSKI | karol.karski@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Sweden | Peter | LUNDGREN | peter.lundgren@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Austria | Angelika | WINZIG | angelika.winzig@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Austria | Christian | SAGARTZ | christian.sagartz@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Finland | Henna | VIRKKUNEN | henna.virkkunen@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Finland | Petri | SARVAMAA | petri.sarvamaa@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | France | Brice | HORTEFEUX | brice.hortefeux@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Germany | Manfred | WEBER | info@manfredweber.eu |
EPP | Germany | Marlene | MORTLER | marlene.mortler@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Germany | Michael | GAHLER | michael.gahler@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Germany | Monika | HOHLMEIER | monika.hohlmeier@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Germany | Niclas | HERBST | niclas.herbst@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Greece | Elissavet | VOZEMBERG-VRIONIDI | elissavet.vozemberg@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Hungary | György | HÖLVÉNYI | gyorgy.holvenyi@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Ireland | Frances | FITZGERALD | frances.fitzgerald@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Italy | Fulvio | MARTUSCIELLO | fulvio.martusciello@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Latvia | Dace | MELBĀRDE | dace.melbarde@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Latvia | Inese | VAIDERE | inese.vaidere@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Latvia | Sandra | KALNIETE | sandra.kalniete@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Malta | Roberta | METSOLA | roberta.metsola@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Poland | Janusz | LEWANDOWSKI | janusz.lewandowski@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Romania | Gheorghe-Vlad | NISTOR | gheorghe-vlad.nistor@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Romania | Ioan-Rareş | BOGDAN | ioan-rares.bogdan@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Spain | Esteban | GONZÁLEZ PONS | esteban.gonzalezpons@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Spain | Leopoldo | LÓPEZ GIL | leopoldo.lopez@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Spain | Pilar | del CASTILLO VERA | pilar.delcastillo@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Spain | Rosa | ESTARÀS FERRAGUT | rosa.estaras@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Belgium | Gerolf | ANNEMANS | gerolf.annemans@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Czech Republic | Ivan | DAVID | ivan.david@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Estonia | Jaak | MADISON | jaak.madison@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | France | Jordan | BARDELLA | jordan.bardella@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | France | Philippe | OLIVIER | philippe.olivier@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Germany | Joachim | KUHS | joachim.kuhs@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Italy | Angelo | CIOCCA | angelo.ciocca@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Italy | Anna | BONFRISCO | anna.bonfrisco@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Italy | Massimo | CASANOVA | massimo.casanova@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | France | Gilbert | COLLARD | gilbert.collard@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | France | Maxette | PIRBAKAS | maxette.pirbakas@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Germany | Martin | SONNEBORN | martin.sonneborn@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Greece | Ioannis | LAGOS | ioannis.lagos@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Hungary | Ádám | KÓSA | adam.kosa@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Hungary | András | GYÜRK | andras.gyurk@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Hungary | Balázs | HIDVÉGHI | balazs.hidveghi@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Hungary | László | TRÓCSÁNYI | laszlo.trocsanyi@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Hungary | Márton | GYÖNGYÖSI | marton.gyongyosi@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Italy | Chiara | GEMMA | chiara.gemma@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Italy | Daniela | RONDINELLI | daniela.rondinelli@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Italy | Fabio Massimo | CASTALDO | fabiomassimo.castaldo@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Lithuania | Viktor | USPASKICH | viktor.uspaskich@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Czech Republic | Ondřej | KNOTEK | ondrej.knotek@ep.europa.eu |
Renew | Denmark | Morten | LØKKEGAARD | morten.lokkegaard@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Estonia | Urmas | PAET | urmas.paet@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Finland | Mauri | PEKKARINEN | mauri.pekkarinen@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | France | Catherine | CHABAUD | catherine.chabaud@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | France | Fabienne | KELLER | fabienne.keller@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | France | Irène | TOLLERET | irene.tolleret@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | France | Sylvie | BRUNET | sylvie.brunet@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Romania | Nicolae | ŞTEFĂNUȚĂ | nicolae.stefanuta@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Slovenia | Irena | JOVEVA | irena.joveva@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Spain | Javier | NART | javier.nart@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Spain | Susana | SOLÍS PÉREZ | susana.solisperez@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Bulgaria | Elena | YONCHEVA | elena.yoncheva@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Bulgaria | Sergei | STANISHEV | sergei.stanishev@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Bulgaria | Tsvetelina | PENKOVA | tsvetelina.penkova@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Croatia | Predrag Fred | MATIĆ | fred.matic@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Croatia | Romana | JERKOVIĆ | romana.jerkovic@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Finland | Miapetra | KUMPULA-NATRI | miapetra.kumpula-natri@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | France | Nora | MEBAREK | nora.mebarek@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Germany | Katarina | BARLEY | katarina.barley@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Greece | Nikos | ANDROULAKIS | nikos.androulakis@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Hungary | István | UJHELYI | istvan.ujhelyi@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Hungary | Klára | DOBREV | klara.dobrev@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Italy | Caterina | CHINNICI | caterina.chinnici@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Lithuania | Vilija | BLINKEVIČIŪTĖ | vilija.blinkeviciute@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Poland | Leszek | MILLER | leszek.miller@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Romania | Adrian-Dragoş | BENEA | adrian-dragos.benea@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Romania | Claudiu | MANDA | iulian-claudiu.manda@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Romania | Victor | NEGRESCU | victor.negrescu@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Slovenia | Milan | BRGLEZ | milan.brglez@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Spain | Iratxe | GARCÍA PÉREZ | iratxe.garcia-perez@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Spain | Javi | LÓPEZ | javi.lopez@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Sweden | Erik | BERGKVIST | erik.bergkvist@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Denmark | Margrete | AUKEN | margrete.auken@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Germany | Anna | DEPARNAY-GRUNENBERG | anna.deparnay-grunenberg@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Spain | Diana | RIBA I GINER | diana.ribaiginer@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | France | Younous | OMARJEE | younous.omarjee@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | Germany | Martin | SCHIRDEWAN | martin.schirdewan@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | Germany | Martina | MICHELS | martina.michels@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | Spain | Miguel | URBÁN CRESPO | miguel.urbancrespo@europarl.europa.eu |
The “pro freedom-destroying measures”
Overall, 460 MEPs demonstrated their collaboration to set up a European digital control system.
–> Let’s try to conduct a dialogue with them in a strategic and intelligent way in order to help them find their reason and not accept the social credit inspired by the Chinese Communist Party, or even the future energetic pass.
44 of these MEPs were present at, at least, 1 parliamentary session out of the 4 analyzed and has co-signed the parliamentary question on the transparency of contracts relating to COVID-19 vaccines.
Political Group | Country | First name | Last name | |
ECR | Slovakia | Eugen | JURZYCA | eugen.jurzyca@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Belgium | Frédérique | RIES | frederique.ries@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | France | Salima | YENBOU | salima.yenbou@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Slovakia | Martin | HOJSÍK | martin.hojsik@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Austria | Günther | SIDL | guenther.sidl@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Austria | Hannes | HEIDE | hannes.heide@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Bulgaria | Petar | VITANOV | petar.vitanov@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Croatia | Biljana | BORZAN | biljana.borzan@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | France | Aurore | LALUCQ | aurore.lalucq@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | France | Eric | ANDRIEU | eric.andrieu@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | France | Sylvie | GUILLAUME | sylvie.guillaume@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Italy | Alessandra | MORETTI | alessandra.moretti@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Italy | Elisabetta | GUALMINI | elisabetta.gualmini@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Malta | Alfred | SANT | alfred.sant@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Portugal | Sara | CERDAS | sara.cerdas@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Romania | Carmen | AVRAM | carmen-gabriela.avram@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Austria | Monika | VANA | monika.vana@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Austria | Sarah | WIENER | sarah.wiener@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Austria | Thomas | WAITZ | thomas.waitz@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Belgium | Saskia | BRICMONT | saskia.bricmont@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Finland | Ville | NIINISTÖ | ville.niinisto@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | France | Caroline | ROOSE | caroline.roose@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | France | Damien | CARÊME | damien.careme@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | France | David | CORMAND | david.cormand@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | France | Gwendoline | DELBOS-CORFIELD | gwendoline.delbos-corfield@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | France | Marie | TOUSSAINT | marie.toussaint@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | France | Mounir | SATOURI | mounir.satouri@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | France | Yannick | JADOT | yannick.jadot@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Germany | Anna | CAVAZZINI | anna.cavazzini@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Germany | Damian | BOESELAGER | damian.boeselager@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Germany | Daniel | FREUND | daniel.freund@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Germany | Henrike | HAHN | henrike.hahn@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Germany | Jutta | PAULUS | jutta.paulus@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Germany | Martin | HÄUSLING | martin.haeusling@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Germany | Patrick | BREYER | patrick.breyer@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Germany | Rasmus | ANDRESEN | rasmus.andresen@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Germany | Viola | VON CRAMON-TAUBADEL | viola.voncramon@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Ireland | Ciarán | CUFFE | ciaran.cuffe@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Lithuania | Bronis | ROPĖ | bronis.rope@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Netherlands | Kim | VAN SPARRENTAK | kim.vansparrentak@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | Greece | Alexis | GEORGOULIS | alexis.georgoulis@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | Greece | Konstantinos | ARVANITIS | kostas.arvanitissyriza@gmail.com |
The Left | Greece | Petros | KOKKALIS | petros.kokkalis@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | Portugal | José | GUSMÃO | jose.gusmao@europarl.europa.eu |
412 MEPs “pro freedom-destroying measures” were present at, at least, 1 parliamentary session out of the 4 analyzed and were not mentioned in the parliamentary question on the transparency of contracts relating to vaccines against COVID-19.
Political Group | Country | First name | Last name | |
ECR | Czech Republic | Alexandr | VONDRA | alexandr.vondra@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Czech Republic | Evžen | TOŠENOVSKÝ | evzen.tosenovsky@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Czech Republic | Jan | ZAHRADIL | jan.zahradil@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Czech Republic | Veronika | VRECIONOVÁ | veronika.vrecionova@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Poland | Anna | FOTYGA | anna.fotyga@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Poland | Anna | ZALEWSKA | anna.zalewska@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Poland | Beata | KEMPA | beata.kempa@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Poland | Beata | SZYDŁO | beata.szydlo@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Poland | Bogdan | RZOŃCA | bogdan.rzonca@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Poland | Dominik | TARCZYŃSKI | dominik.tarczynski@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Poland | Grzegorz | TOBISZOWSKI | grzegorz.tobiszowski@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Poland | Jacek | SARYUSZ-WOLSKI | jacek.saryusz-wolski@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Poland | Jadwiga | WIŚNIEWSKA | jadwiga.wisniewska@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Poland | Joachim Stanisław | BRUDZIŃSKI | joachim.brudzinski@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Poland | Joanna | KOPCIŃSKA | joannamaria.kopcinska@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Poland | Kosma | ZŁOTOWSKI | kosma.zlotowski@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Poland | Ryszard Antoni | LEGUTKO | ryszardantoni.legutko@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Poland | Tomasz Piotr | PORĘBA | tomasz.poreba@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Poland | Witold Jan | WASZCZYKOWSKI | witoldjan.waszczykowski@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Austria | Alexander | BERNHUBER | alexander.bernhuber@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Austria | Barbara | THALER | barbara.thaler@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Austria | Lukas | MANDL | lukas.mandl@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Austria | Othmar | KARAS | othmar.karas@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Austria | Simone | SCHMIEDTBAUER | simone.schmiedtbauer@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Belgium | Benoît | LUTGEN | benoit.lutgen@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Belgium | Cindy | FRANSSEN | cindy.franssen@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Belgium | Pascal | ARIMONT | pascal.arimont@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Belgium | Tom | VANDENKENDELAERE | tom.vandenkendelaere@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Bulgaria | Alexander | ALEXANDROV YORDANOV | alexander.yordanov@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Bulgaria | Andrey | NOVAKOV | andrey.novakov@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Bulgaria | Asim | ADEMOV | asim.ademov@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Bulgaria | Emil | RADEV | emil.radev@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Bulgaria | Eva | MAYDELL | eva.maydell@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Bulgaria | Radan | KANEV | radan.kanev@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Croatia | Karlo | RESSLER | karlo.ressler@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Croatia | Sunčana | GLAVAK | suncana.glavak@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Croatia | Tomislav | SOKOL | tomislav.sokol@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Croatia | Željana | ZOVKO | zeljana.zovko@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Cyprus | Lefteris | CHRISTOFOROU | lefteris.christoforou@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Cyprus | Loucas | FOURLAS | loucas.fourlas@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Czech Republic | Jiří | POSPÍŠIL | jiri.pospisil@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Czech Republic | Luděk | NIEDERMAYER | ludek.niedermayer@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Czech Republic | Michaela | ŠOJDROVÁ | michaela.sojdrova@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Czech Republic | Stanislav | POLČÁK | stanislav.polcak@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Denmark | Pernille | WEISS | pernille.weiss@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Estonia | Riho | TERRAS | riho.terras@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Finland | Sirpa | PIETIKÄINEN | sirpa.pietikainen@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | France | Agnès | EVREN | agnes.evren@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | France | Anne | SANDER | anne.sander@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | France | Arnaud | DANJEAN | arnaud.danjean@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | France | Geoffroy | DIDIER | geoffroy.didier@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | France | Nadine | MORANO | nadine.morano@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | France | Nathalie | COLIN-OESTERLÉ | nathalie.colin-oesterle@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Germany | Andreas | SCHWAB | andreas.schwab@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Germany | Angelika | NIEBLER | angelika.niebler@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Germany | Axel | VOSS | axel.voss@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Germany | Christian | DOLESCHAL | christian.doleschal@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Germany | Christian | EHLER | christian.ehler@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Germany | Christine | SCHNEIDER | christine.schneider@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Germany | Daniel | CASPARY | daniel.caspary@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Germany | David | McALLISTER | david.mcallister@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Germany | Dennis | RADTKE | dennis.radtke@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Germany | Hildegard | BENTELE | hildegard.bentele@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Germany | Jens | GIESEKE | jens.gieseke@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Germany | Karolin | BRAUNSBERGER-REINHOLD | karolin.braunsberger@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Germany | Lena | DÜPONT | lena.duepont@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Germany | Marion | WALSMANN | marionerika.walsmann@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Germany | Markus | FERBER | markus.ferber@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Germany | Markus | PIEPER | markus.pieper@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Germany | Norbert | LINS | norbert.lins@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Germany | Peter | JAHR | peter.jahr@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Germany | Peter | LIESE | peter.liese@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Germany | Rainer | WIELAND | rainer.wieland@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Germany | Ralf | SEEKATZ | ralf.seekatz@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Germany | Sabine | VERHEYEN | sabine.verheyen@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Germany | Stefan | BERGER | stefan.berger@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Germany | Sven | SIMON | sven.simon@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Greece | Anna-Michelle | ASIMAKOPOULOU | anna-misel.asimakopoulou@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Greece | Manolis | KEFALOGIANNIS | manolis.kefalogiannis@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Greece | Maria | SPYRAKI | maria.spyraki@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Greece | Stelios | KYMPOUROPOULOS | stelios.kympouropoulos@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Greece | Theodoros | ZAGORAKIS | theodoros.zagorakis@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Greece | Vangelis | MEIMARAKIS | evangelos.meimarakis@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Ireland | Colm | MARKEY | colm.markey@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Ireland | Deirdre | CLUNE | deirdre.clune@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Ireland | Maria | WALSH | maria.walsh@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Ireland | Seán | KELLY | sean.kelly@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Italy | Aldo | PATRICIELLO | aldo.patriciello@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Italy | Andrea | CAROPPO | andrea.caroppo@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Italy | Antonio | TAJANI | antonio.tajani@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Italy | Herbert | DORFMANN | herbert.dorfmann@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Italy | Isabella | ADINOLFI | isabella.adinolfi@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Italy | Lucia | VUOLO | lucia.vuolo@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Italy | Luisa | REGIMENTI | luisa.regimenti@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Italy | Massimiliano | SALINI | massimiliano.salini@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Italy | Salvatore | DE MEO | salvatore.demeo@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Lithuania | Andrius | KUBILIUS | andrius.kubilius@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Lithuania | Aušra | MALDEIKIENĖ | ausra.maldeikiene@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Lithuania | Liudas | MAŽYLIS | liudas.mazylis@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Lithuania | Rasa | JUKNEVIČIENĖ | rasa.jukneviciene@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Luxemburg | Christophe | HANSEN | christophe.hansen@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Luxemburg | Isabel | WISELER-LIMA | isabel.wiseler@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Malta | David | CASA | david.casa@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Netherlands | Annie | SCHREIJER-PIERIK | annie.schreijer-pierik@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Netherlands | Antonius | MANDERS | antonius.manders@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Netherlands | Esther | de LANGE | esther.delange@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Netherlands | Jeroen | LENAERS | jeroen.lenaers@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Netherlands | Tom | BERENDSEN | tom.berendsen@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Poland | Adam | JARUBAS | adam.jarubas@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Poland | Andrzej | HALICKI | andrzej.halicki@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Poland | Bartosz | ARŁUKOWICZ | biuro@arlukowicz.pl |
EPP | Poland | Danuta Maria | HÜBNER | danuta.huebner@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Poland | Elżbieta Katarzyna | ŁUKACIJEWSKA | elzbieta.lukacijewska@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Poland | Ewa | KOPACZ | ewa.kopacz@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Poland | Jan | OLBRYCHT | jan.olbrycht@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Poland | Janina | OCHOJSKA | janina.ochojska@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Poland | Jarosław | DUDA | jaroslaw.duda@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Poland | Jarosław | KALINOWSKI | jaroslaw.kalinowski@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Poland | Jerzy | BUZEK | jerzy.buzek@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Poland | Krzysztof | HETMAN | krzysztof.hetman@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Poland | Magdalena | ADAMOWICZ | magdalena.adamowicz@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Poland | Radosław | SIKORSKI | radoslaw.sikorski@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Poland | Tomasz | FRANKOWSKI | tomasz.frankowski@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Portugal | Álvaro | AMARO | alvaro.amaro@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Portugal | Cláudia | MONTEIRO DE AGUIAR | claudia.monteirodeaguiar@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Portugal | José Manuel | FERNANDES | josemanuel.fernandes@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Portugal | Lídia | PEREIRA | lidia.pereira@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Portugal | Maria da Graça | CARVALHO | maria.carvalho@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Portugal | Nuno | MELO | nuno.melo@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Portugal | Paulo | RANGEL | paulo.rangel@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Romania | Daniel | BUDA | daniel.buda@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Romania | Dan-Ştefan | MOTREANU | dan-stefan.motreanu@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Romania | Eugen | TOMAC | eugen.tomac@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Romania | Gheorghe | FALCĂ | gheorghe.falca@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Romania | Marian-Jean | MARINESCU | marian-jean.marinescu@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Romania | Mircea-Gheorghe | HAVA | mircea.hava@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Romania | Siegfried | MUREŞAN | siegfried.muresan@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Romania | Traian | BĂSESCU | traian.basescu@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Romania | Vasile | BLAGA | vasile.blaga@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Slovakia | Ivan | ŠTEFANEC | ivan.stefanec@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Slovakia | Miriam | LEXMANN | miriam.lexmann@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Slovakia | Peter | POLLÁK | peter.pollak@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Slovakia | Vladimír | BILČÍK | vladimir.bilcik@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Slovenia | Cristian-Silviu | BUŞOI | cristiansilviu.busoi@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Slovenia | Franc | BOGOVIČ | franc.bogovic@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Slovenia | Ljudmila | NOVAK | Ljudmila.novak@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Slovenia | Milan | ZVER | milan.zver@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Slovenia | Romana | TOMC | romana.tomc@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Spain | Antonio | LÓPEZ-ISTÚRIZ WHITE | antonio.lopezisturiz@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Spain | Dolors | MONTSERRAT | d.montserrat@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Spain | Francisco José | MILLÁN MON | francisco.millanmon@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Spain | Gabriel | MATO | gabriel.mato@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Spain | Isabel | BENJUMEA BENJUMEA | isabel.benjumea@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Spain | Javier | ZARZALEJOS | javier.zarzalejos@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Spain | José Manuel | GARCÍA-MARGALLO Y MARFIL | jose.margallo@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Spain | Juan Ignacio | ZOIDO ÁLVAREZ | juanignacio.zoidoalvarez@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Spain | Pablo | ARIAS ECHEVERRÍA | pablo.ariasecheverria@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Sweden | Arba | KOKALARI | arba.kokalari@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Sweden | David | LEGA | david.lega@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Sweden | Jessica | POLFJÄRD | jessica.polfjard@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Sweden | Jörgen | WARBORN | jorgen.warborn@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Sweden | Sara | SKYTTEDAL | sara.skyttedal@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Sweden | Tomas | TOBÉ | tomas.tobe@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Denmark | Peter | KOFOD | peter.kofod@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Germany | Martin | BUSCHMANN | martin.buschmann@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Hungary | Andor | DELI | andor.deli@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Hungary | Andrea | BOCSKOR | andrea.bocskor@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Hungary | Edina | TÓTH | edina.toth@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Hungary | Enikő | GYŐRI | eniko.gyori@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Hungary | Ernő | SCHALLER-BAROSS | erno.schaller-baross@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Hungary | Kinga | GÁL | kinga.gal@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Hungary | Lívia | JÁRÓKA | livia.jaroka@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Hungary | Tamás | DEUTSCH | tamas.deutsch@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Italy | Dino | GIARRUSSO | dino.giarrusso@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Italy | Laura | FERRARA | laura.ferrara@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Italy | Mario | FURORE | mario.furore@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Italy | Sabrina | PIGNEDOLI | sabrina.pignedoli@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Spain | Antoni | COMÍN I OLIVERES | antoni.cominioliveres@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Spain | Carles | PUIGDEMONT I CASAMAJÓ | carles.puigdemonticasamajo@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Spain | Clara | PONSATÍ OBIOLS | clara.ponsatiobiols@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Austria | Claudia | GAMON | claudia.gamon@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Belgium | Guy | VERHOFSTADT | guy.verhofstadt@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Belgium | Hilde | VAUTMANS | hilde.vautmans@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Belgium | Olivier | CHASTEL | olivier.chastel@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Bulgaria | Atidzhe | ALIEVA-VELI | atidzhe.alieva-veli@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Bulgaria | Ilhan | KYUCHYUK | ilhan.kyuchyuk@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Bulgaria | Iskra | MIHAYLOVA | iskra.mihaylova@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Croatia | Valter | FLEGO | Valter.Flego@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Czech Republic | Dita | CHARANZOVÁ | dita.charanzova@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Czech Republic | Martin | HLAVÁČEK | martin.hlavacek@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Czech Republic | Martina | DLABAJOVÁ | martina.dlabajova@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Czech Republic | Ondřej | KOVAŘÍK | ondrej.kovarik@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Denmark | Asger | CHRISTENSEN | asger.christensen@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Denmark | Karen | MELCHIOR | karen.melchior@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Denmark | Linea | SØGAARD-LIDELL | linea.sogaard-lidell@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Denmark | Morten | PETERSEN | mortenhelveg.petersen@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Denmark | Søren | GADE | soren.gade@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Estonia | Andrus | ANSIP | andrus.ansip@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Estonia | Yana | TOOM | yana.toom@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Finland | Elsi | KATAINEN | elsi.katainen@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Finland | Nils | TORVALDS | nils.torvalds@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | France | Bernard | GUETTA | bernard.guetta@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | France | Christophe | GRUDLER | christophe.grudler@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | France | Dominique | RIQUET | dominique.riquet@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | France | Gilles | BOYER | gilles.boyer@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | France | Ilana | CICUREL | ilana.cicurel@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | France | Jérémy | DECERLE | jeremy.decerle@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | France | Laurence | FARRENG | laurence.farreng@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | France | Marie-Pierre | VEDRENNE | marie-pierre.vedrenne@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | France | Max | ORVILLE | max.orville@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | France | Nathalie | LOISEAU | Nathalie.Loiseau@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | France | Pascal | CANFIN | pascal.canfin@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | France | Pascal | DURAND | pascal.durand@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | France | Pierre | KARLESKIND | pierre.karleskind@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | France | Sandro | GOZI | sandro.gozi@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | France | Stéphane | BIJOUX | stephane.bijoux@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | France | Stéphane | SÉJOURNÉ | stephane.sejourne@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | France | Stéphanie | YON-COURTIN | stephanie.yon@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | France | Valérie | HAYER | valerie.hayer@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | France | Véronique | TRILLET-LENOIR | veronique.trillet-lenoir@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Germany | Andreas | GLÜCK | andreas.glueck@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Germany | Engin | EROGLU | engin.eroglu@freiewaehler-hessen.de |
Renew | Germany | Jan-Christoph | OETJEN | jan-christoph.oetjen@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Germany | Moritz | KÖRNER | moritz.koerner@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Germany | Nicola | BEER | nicola.beer@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Germany | Svenja | HAHN | svenja.hahn@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Germany | Ulrike | MÜLLER | ulrike.mueller@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Greece | Georgios | KYRTSOS | georgios.kyrtsos@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Hungary | Anna Júlia | DONÁTH | anna.donath@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Hungary | Katalin | CSEH | katalin.cseh@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Ireland | Barry | ANDREWS | barry.andrews@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Italy | Carlo | CALENDA | carlo.calenda@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Italy | Marco | ZULLO | marco.zullo@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Italy | Nicola | DANTI | nicola.danti@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Latvia | Ivars | IJABS | ivars.ijabs@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Lithuania | Petras | AUŠTREVIČIUS | petras.austrevicius@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Luxemburg | Charles | GOERENS | charles.goerens@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Luxemburg | Monica | SEMEDO | monica.semedo@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Netherlands | Caroline | NAGTEGAAL | caroline.nagtegaal@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Netherlands | Jan | HUITEMA | jan.huitema@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Netherlands | Malik | AZMANI | malik.azmani@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Netherlands | Samira | RAFAELA | samira.rafaela@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Netherlands | Sophia | IN ‘T VELD | sophie.intveld@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Poland | Róża | THUN UND HOHENSTEIN | roza.thun@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Romania | Alin | MITUȚA | alin.mituta@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Romania | Dragoş | TUDORACHE | ioan-dragos.tudorache@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Romania | Dragoș | PÎSLARU | dragos.pislaru@ro.plus |
Renew | Romania | Ramona | STRUGARIU | ramona.strugariu@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Romania | Vlad | GHEORGHE | vlad.gheorghe@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Romania | Vlad-Marius | BOTOŞ | vlad-marius.botos@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Slovakia | Lucia | DURIS NICHOLSONOVA | lucia.duris@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Slovakia | Michal | ŠIMEČKA | michal.simecka@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Slovakia | Michal | WIEZIK | michal.wiezik@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Slovenia | Klemen | GROŠELJ | klemen.groselj@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Spain | Adrián | VÁZQUEZ LÁZARA | adrian.vazquezlazara@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Spain | Izaskun | BILBAO BARANDICA | izaskun.bilbaobarandica@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Spain | Jordi | CAÑAS | jordi.canas@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Spain | Luis | GARICANO | luis.garicano@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Spain | Maite | PAGAZAURTUNDÚA | maite.pagaza@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Spain | María Soraya | RODRÍGUEZ RAMOS | soraya.rodriguezramos@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Sweden | Abir | AL-SAHLANI | abir.alsahlani@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Sweden | Emma | WIESNER | emma.wiesner@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Sweden | Karin | KARLSBRO | karin.karlsbro@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Austria | Bettina | VOLLATH | bettina.vollath@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Austria | Evelyn | REGNER | evelyn.regner@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Belgium | Kathleen | VAN BREMPT | kathleen.vanbrempt@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Belgium | Marc | TARABELLA | marc.tarabella@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Belgium | Maria | ARENA | maria.arena@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Bulgaria | Ivo | HRISTOV | ivo.hristov@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Croatia | Tonino | PICULA | tonino.picula@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Cyprus | Costas | MAVRIDES | costas.mavrides@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Cyprus | Demetris | PAPADAKIS | demetris.papadakis@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Czech Republic | Radka | MAXOVÁ | radka.maxova@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Denmark | Christel | SCHALDEMOSE | christel.schaldemose@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Denmark | Marianne | VIND | marianne.vind@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Denmark | Niels | FUGLSANG | niels.fuglsang@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Estonia | Marina | KALJURAND | marina.kaljurand@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Estonia | Sven | MIKSER | sven.mikser@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Finland | Eero | HEINÄLUOMA | eero.heinaluoma@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | France | Pierre | LARROUTUROU | pierre.larrouturou@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | France | Raphaël | GLUCKSMANN | raphael.glucksmann@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Germany | Bernd | LANGE | bernd.lange@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Germany | Birgit | SIPPEL | birgit.sippel@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Germany | Constanze | KREHL | constanze.krehl@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Germany | Delara | BURKHARDT | delara.burkhardt@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Germany | Dietmar | KÖSTER | dietmar.koester@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Germany | Gabriele | BISCHOFF | gabriele.bischoff@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Germany | Ismail | ERTUG | ismail.ertug@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Germany | Jens | GEIER | jens.geier@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Germany | Joachim | SCHUSTER | joachim.schuster@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Germany | Karsten | LUCKE | karsten.lucke@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Germany | Maria | NOICHL | maria.noichl@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Germany | Tiemo | WÖLKEN | tiemo.woelken@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Germany | Udo | BULLMANN | udo.bullmann@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Greece | Eva | KAILI | eva.kaili@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Hungary | Attila | ARA-KOVÁCS | attila.ara-kovacs@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Hungary | Csaba | MOLNÁR | csaba.molnar@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Hungary | Sándor | RÓNAI | sandor.ronai@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Italy | Andrea | COZZOLINO | andrea.cozzolino@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Italy | Brando | BENIFEI | brando.benifei@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Italy | Camilla | LAURETI | camilla.laureti@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Italy | Franco | ROBERTI | franco.roberti@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Italy | Giuliano | PISAPIA | giuliano.pisapia@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Italy | Giuseppe | FERRANDINO | giuseppe.ferrandino@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Italy | Irene | TINAGLI | irene.tinagli@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Italy | Massimiliano | SMERIGLIO | massimiliano.smeriglio@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Italy | Paolo | DE CASTRO | paolo.decastro@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Italy | Patrizia | TOIA | patrizia.toia@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Italy | Pierfrancesco | MAJORINO | pierfrancesco.majorino@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Italy | Pietro | BARTOLO | pietro.bartolo@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Italy | Simona | BONAFÈ | simona.bonafe@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Latvia | Andris | AMERIKS | andris.ameriks@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Latvia | Nils | UŠAKOVS | nils.usakovs@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Lithuania | Juozas | OLEKAS | juozas.olekas@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Luxemburg | Marc | ANGEL | marc.angel@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Malta | Alex | AGIUS SALIBA | alex.agiussaliba@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Malta | Cyrus | ENGERER | cyrus.engerer@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Malta | Josianne | CUTAJAR | josianne.cutajar@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Netherlands | Agnes | JONGERIUS | agnes.jongerius@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Netherlands | Lara | WOLTERS | lara.wolters@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Netherlands | Mohammed | CHAHIM | mohammed.chahim@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Netherlands | Paul | TANG | paul.tang@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Netherlands | Thijs | REUTEN | thijs.reuten@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Netherlands | Vera | TAX | vera.tax@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Poland | Bogusław | LIBERADZKI | boguslaw.liberadzki@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Poland | Łukasz | KOHUT | lukasz.kohut@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Poland | Marek | BELKA | marek.belka@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Poland | Marek Paweł | BALT | marekpawel.balt@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Poland | Robert | BIEDROŃ | robert.biedron@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Poland | Włodzimierz | CIMOSZEWICZ | wlodzimierz.cimoszewicz@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Portugal | Carlos | ZORRINHO | carlos.zorrinho@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Portugal | Isabel | CARVALHAIS | isabel.carvalhais@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Portugal | Isabel | SANTOS | isabel.santos@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Portugal | Margarida | MARQUES | margarida.marques@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Portugal | Maria-Manuel | LEITÃO-MARQUES | maria.marques@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Portugal | Pedro | MARQUES | pedro.marques@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Portugal | Pedro | SILVA PEREIRA | pedro.silvapereira@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Romania | Dan | NICA | dan.nica@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Romania | Rovana | PLUMB | rovana.plumb@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Slovenia | Matjaz | NEMEC | matjaz.nemec@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Spain | Adriana | MALDONADO LÓPEZ | adriana.maldonado@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Spain | Alicia | HOMS GINEL | alicia.homs@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Spain | César | LUENA | cesar.luena@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Spain | Clara | AGUILERA | claraeugenia.aguileragarcia@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Spain | Cristina | MAESTRE MARTÍN DE ALMAGRO | cristina.maestre@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Spain | Domènec | RUIZ DEVESA | Domenec.RuizDevesa@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Spain | Eider | GARDIAZABAL RUBIAL | eider.gardiazabalrubial@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Spain | Estrella | DURÁ FERRANDIS | estrella.dura@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Spain | Ibán | GARCÍA DEL BLANCO | iban.garciadelblanco@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Spain | Inma | RODRÍGUEZ-PIÑERO | inma.rodriguezpinero@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Spain | Isabel | GARCÍA MUÑOZ | isabel.garciamunoz@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Spain | Javier | MORENO SÁNCHEZ | javier.morenosanchez@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Spain | Jonás | FERNÁNDEZ | jonas.fernandezalvarez@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Spain | Juan Fernando | LÓPEZ AGUILAR | juanfernando.lopezaguilar@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Spain | Lina | GÁLVEZ MUÑOZ | lina.galvezmunoz@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Spain | Marcos | ROS SEMPERE | marcos.ros@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Spain | Mónica Silvana | GONZÁLEZ | monicasilvana.gonzalez@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Spain | Nacho | SÁNCHEZ AMOR | nacho.sanchezamor@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Spain | Nicolás | GONZÁLEZ CASARES | nicolas.casares@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Sweden | Evin | INCIR | evin.incir@socialdemokraterna.se |
S&D | Sweden | Heléne | FRITZON | helene.fritzon@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Sweden | Ilan | DE BASSO | ilan.debasso@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Sweden | Jytte | GUTELAND | jytte.guteland@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Belgium | Philippe | LAMBERTS | philippe.lamberts@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Belgium | Sara | MATTHIEU | sara.matthieu@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Czech Republic | Marcel | KOLAJA | marcel.kolaja@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Czech Republic | Markéta | GREGOROVÁ | marketa.gregorova@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Czech Republic | Mikuláš | PEKSA | mikulas.peksa@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Denmark | Kira Marie | PETER-HANSEN | kira.peter-hansen@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Finland | Alviina | ALAMETSÄ | alviina.alametsa@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Finland | Heidi | HAUTALA | heidi.hautala@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | France | Benoît | BITEAU | benoit.biteau@orange.fr |
The Greens/EFA | Germany | Alexandra | GEESE | alexandra.geese@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Germany | Erik | MARQUARDT | erik.marquardt@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Germany | Hannah | NEUMANN | hannah.neumann@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Germany | Katrin | LANGENSIEPEN | katrin.langensiepen@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Germany | Malte | GALLEE | malte.gallee@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Germany | Manuela | RIPA | manuela.ripa@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Germany | Michael | BLOSS | michael.bloss@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Germany | Nico | SEMSROTT | nico.semsrott@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Germany | Niklas | NIENASS | niklas.nienass@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Germany | Pierrette | HERZBERGER-FOFANA | pierrette.herzberger-fofana@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Germany | Reinhard | BÜTIKOFER | reinhard.buetikofer@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Germany | Romeo | FRANZ | romeo.franz@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Germany | Ska | KELLER | franziska.keller@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Germany | Terry | REINTKE | terry.reintke@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Ireland | Grace | O’SULLIVAN | grace.osullivan@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Italy | Eleonora | EVI | eleonora.evi@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Luxemburg | Tilly | METZ | tilly.metz@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Netherlands | Bas | EICKHOUT | bas.eickhout@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Netherlands | Tineke | STRIK | tineke.strik@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Poland | Sylwia | SPUREK | sylwia.spurek@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Portugal | Francisco | GUERREIRO | francisco.guerreiro@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Spain | Ernest | URTASUN | ernest.urtasun@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Spain | Jordi | SOLÉ | jordi.sole@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Sweden | Alice | KUHNKE | alice.kuhnke@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Sweden | Jakop G. | DALUNDE | jakop.dalunde@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Sweden | Pär | HOLMGREN | par.holmgren@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | Cyprus | Niyazi | KIZILYÜREK | niyazi.kizilyurek@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | Denmark | Nikolaj | VILLUMSEN | nikolaj.villumsen@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | Finland | Silvia | MODIG | silvia.modig@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | Germany | Cornelia | ERNST | cornelia.ernst@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | Germany | Helmut | SCHOLZ | helmut.scholz@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | Germany | Özlem | DEMIREL | oezlem.demirel@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | Greece | Elena | KOUNTOURA | elena.kountoura@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | Greece | Stelios | KOULOGLOU | stelios.kouloglou@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | Ireland | Chris | MACMANUS | chris.macmanus@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | Ireland | Luke Ming | FLANAGAN | lukeming.flanagan@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | Portugal | Marisa | MATIAS | marisa.matias@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | Spain | Manu | PINEDA | manu.pinedamarin@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | Spain | Sira | REGO | sira.rego@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | Sweden | Malin | BJÖRK | malin.bjork@europarl.europa.eu |
1 MEP “pro freedom-destroying measures” was absent more than once from the 4 parliamentary sessions and has co-signed the parliamentary question on the transparency of contracts relating to vaccines against COVID-19.
Political Group | Country | First name | Last name | |
The Left | Cyprus | Giorgos | GEORGIOU | giorgos.georgiou@europarl.europa.eu |
3 “pro freedom-destroying measures” MEPs were absent more than once from the 4 parliamentary sessions and were not mentioned in the parliamentary question on the transparency of contracts relating to vaccines against COVID-19.
Political Group | Country | First name | Last name | |
NR | Italy | Tiziana | BEGHIN | tiziana.beghin@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Romania | Dacian | CIOLOŞ | dacian.ciolos@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Germany | Petra | KAMMEREVERT | petra.kammerevert@europarl.europa.eu |
The “undecided”
52 MEPs are not stable in their votes.
–> Everything is not necessarily black or white, ask them to explain their choices which seem, at first glance, contradictory?
9 of these MEPs were present at, at least, 1 parliamentary session out of the 4 analyzed and has co-signed the parliamentary question on the transparency of contracts relating to COVID-19 vaccines.
Political Group | Country | First name | Last name | |
NR | Latvia | Tatjana | ŽDANOKA | tatjana.zdanoka@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Slovakia | Robert | HAJŠEL | robert.hajsel@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | France | Claude | GRUFFAT | claude.gruffat@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | France | François | ALFONSI | francois.alfonsi@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | Belgium | Marc | BOTENGA | marc.botenga@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | Czech Republic | Kateřina | KONEČNÁ | katerina.konecna@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | France | Manon | AUBRY | manon.aubry@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | Greece | Dimitrios | PAPADIMOULIS | dimitrios.papadimoulis@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | Spain | Eugenia | RODRÍGUEZ PALOP | eugenia.rodriguezpalop@europarl.europa.eu |
42 “undecided” MEPs were present at, at least, 1 parliamentary session out of the 4 analyzed and were not mentioned in the parliamentary question on the transparency of contracts relating to COVID-19 vaccines.
Political Group | Country | First name | Last name | |
ECR | Belgium | Geert | BOURGEOIS | geert.bourgeois@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Bulgaria | Andrey | SLABAKOV | andrey.slabakov@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Italy | Raffaele | FITTO | raffaele.fitto@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Netherlands | Michiel | HOOGEVEEN | michiel.hoogeveen@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Poland | Adam | BIELAN | adam.bielan@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Poland | Andżelika Anna | MOŻDŻANOWSKA | andzelikaanna.mozdzanowska@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Poland | Elżbieta | RAFALSKA | elzbieta.rafalska@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Poland | Ryszard | CZARNECKI | ryszard.czarnecki@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Poland | Zbigniew | KUŹMIUK | zbigniew.kuzmiuk@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Spain | Hermann | TERTSCH | hermann.tertsch@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Bulgaria | Andrey | KOVATCHEV | andrey.kovatchev@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Czech Republic | Tomáš | ZDECHOVSKÝ | tomas.zdechovsky@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Germany | Helmut | GEUKING | helmut.geuking@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Romania | Loránt | VINCZE | lorant.vincze@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Czech Republic | Hynek | BLAŠKO | hynek.blasko@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | France | Aurélia | BEIGNEUX | aurelia.beigneux@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Germany | Gunnar | BECK | gunnar.beck@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Italy | Matteo | ADINOLFI | matteo.adinolfi@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Italy | Paolo | BORCHIA | paolo.borchia@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Italy | Simona | BALDASSARRE | simona.baldassarre@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Croatia | Ivan Vilibor | SINČIĆ | ivanvilibor.sincic@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Germany | Jörg | MEUTHEN | joerg.meuthen@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Ireland | Billy | KELLEHER | billy.kelleher@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Netherlands | Bart | GROOTHUIS | bart.groothuis@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Netherlands | Catharina | RINZEMA | catharina.rinzema@europarl.europa.eu |
Renew | Spain | José Ramón | BAUZÁ DÍAZ | joseramon.bauzadiaz@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Germany | René | REPASI | rene.repasi@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Italy | Pina | PICIERNO | giuseppina.picierno@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Romania | Corina | CREȚU | corina.cretu@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Romania | Maria | GRAPINI | maria.grapini@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Romania | Mihai | TUDOSE | mihai.tudose@europarl.europa.eu |
S&D | Romania | Tudor | CIUHODARU | tudor.ciuhodaru@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Germany | Sergey | LAGODINSKY | sergey.lagodinsky@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Italy | Ignazio | CORRAO | ignazio.corrao@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Italy | Piernicola | PEDICINI | piernicola.pedicini@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Italy | Rosa | D’AMATO | rosa.damato@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | France | Emmanuel | MAUREL | emmanuel.maurel@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | Ireland | Clare | DALY | clare.daly@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | Ireland | Mick | WALLACE | mick.wallace@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | Portugal | João | PIMENTA LOPES | joao.pimenta@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | Portugal | Sandra | PEREIRA | sandra.pereira@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | Spain | Idoia | VILLANUEVA RUIZ | idoia.villanueva@europarl.europa.eu |
1 “undecided” MEP was present at less than 3 parliamentary sessions out of the 4 analyzed and has co-signed the parliamentary question on the transparency of contracts relating to COVID-19 vaccines.
Political Group | Country | First name | Last name | |
The Left | France | Leila | CHAIBI | leila.chaibi@europarl.europa.eu |
The “defenders of rights and freedoms”
Overall, 84 MEPs voted at least once AGAINST the Digital Identity Certificate. None are mentioned on the parliamentary question on the transparency of contracts relating to COVID-19 vaccines.
79 of these MEPs attended at least 3 parliamentary sessions out of the 4 analysed.
Political Group | Country | First name | Last name | |
ECR | Belgium | Assita | KANKO | assita.kanko@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Belgium | Johan | VAN OVERTVELDT | johan.vanovertveldt@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Croatia | Ladislav | ILCIC | ladislav.ilcic@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Germany | Lars Patrick | BERG | larspatrick.berg@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Italy | Carlo | FIDANZA | carlo.fidanza@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Italy | Nicola | PROCACCINI | nicola.procaccini@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Italy | Pietro | FIOCCHI | pietro.fiocchi@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Italy | Sergio | BERLATO | sergio.berlato@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Italy | Vincenzo | SOFO | vincenzo.sofo@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Netherlands | Bert-Jan | RUISSEN | bert-jan.ruissen@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Netherlands | Rob | ROOKEN | rob.rooken@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Netherlands | Robert | ROOS | rob.roos@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Poland | Beata | MAZUREK | beata.mazurek@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Poland | Elżbieta | KRUK | elzbieta.kruk@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Poland | Krzysztof | JURGIEL | krzysztof.jurgiel@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Poland | Patryk | JAKI | patryktomasz.jaki@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Poland | Zdzisław | KRASNODĘBSKI | zdzislaw.krasnodebski-office@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Romania | Cristian | TERHEŞ | cristian.terhes@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Spain | Jorge | BUXADÉ VILLALBA | jorge.buxadevillalba@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Spain | Margarita | DE LA PISA CARRIÓN | margarita.delapisacarrion@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Spain | Mazaly | AGUILAR | mazaly.aguilar@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Sweden | Charlie | WEIMERS | charlie.weimers@europarl.europa.eu |
ECR | Sweden | Jessica | STEGRUD | jessica.stegrud@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | France | François-Xavier | BELLAMY | francois-xavier.bellamy@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Netherlands | Peter | van DALEN | peter.vandalen@europarl.europa.eu |
EPP | Romania | Iuliu | WINKLER | iuliu.winkler@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Austria | Georg | MAYER | georg.mayer@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Austria | Harald | VILIMSKY | harald.vilimsky@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Austria | Roman | HAIDER | roman.haider@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Belgium | Filip | DE MAN | filip.deman@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Belgium | Tom | VANDENDRIESSCHE | tom.vandendriessche@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | France | André | ROUGÉ | andre.rouge@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | France | Annika | BRUNA | annika.bruna@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | France | Catherine | GRISET | catherine.griset@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | France | Dominique | BILDE | dominique.bilde@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | France | France | JAMET | france.jamet@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | France | Gilles | LEBRETON | gilles.lebreton@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | France | Herve | JUVIN | herve.juvin@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | France | Jean-François | JALKH | jean-francois.jalkh@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | France | Jean-Lin | LACAPELLE | jean-lin.lacapelle@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | France | Jean-Paul | GARRAUD | jean-paul.garraud@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | France | Mathilde | ANDROUËT | mathilde.androuet@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | France | Thierry | MARIANI | thierry.mariani@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | France | Virginie | JORON | virginie.joron@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Germany | Christine | ANDERSON | christine.anderson@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Germany | Guido | REIL | guido.reil@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Germany | Markus | BUCHHEIT | markus.buchheit@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Germany | Maximilian | KRAH | maximilian.krah@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Germany | Nicolaus | FEST | nicolaus.fest@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Germany | Sylvia | LIMMER | sylvia.limmer@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Italy | Alessandra | BASSO | alessandra.basso@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Italy | Alessandro | PANZA | alessandro.panza@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Italy | Annalisa | TARDINO | annalisa.tardino@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Italy | Antonio Maria | RINALDI | antonio.rinaldi@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Italy | Danilo Oscar | LANCINI | danilooscar.lancini@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Italy | Elena | LIZZI | elena.lizzi@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Italy | Gianantonio | DA RE | gianantonio.dare@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Italy | Gianna | GANCIA | gianna.gancia@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Italy | Isabella | TOVAGLIERI | isabella.tovaglieri@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Italy | Mara | BIZZOTTO | mara.bizzotto@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Italy | Marco | CAMPOMENOSI | marco.campomenosi@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Italy | Marco | DREOSTO | marco.dreosto@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Italy | Marco | ZANNI | marco.zanni@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Italy | Rosanna | CONTE | rosanna.conte@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Italy | Silvia | SARDONE | silvia.sardone@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Italy | Stefania | ZAMBELLI | stefania.zambelli@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Italy | Susanna | CECCARDI | susanna.ceccardi@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Italy | Valentino | GRANT | valentino.grant@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Netherlands | Marcel | de GRAAFF | marcel.degraaff@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Croatia | Mislav | KOLAKUŠIĆ | mislav.kolakusic@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | France | Jérôme | RIVIÈRE | jerome.riviere@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | France | Nicolas | BAY | nicolas.bay@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Greece | Athanasios | KONSTANTINOU | athanasios.konstantinou@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Italy | Francesca | DONATO | francesca.donato@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Slovakia | Milan | UHRÍK | milan.uhrik@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Slovakia | Miroslav | RADAČOVSKÝ | miroslav.radacovsky@europarl.europa.eu |
The Greens/EFA | Lithuania | Stasys | JAKELIŪNAS | stasys.jakeliunas@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | France | Anne-Sophie | PELLETIER | anne-sophie.pelletier@europarl.europa.eu |
The Left | Netherlands | Anja | HAZEKAMP | anja.hazekamp@europarl.europa.eu |
5 “defenders of rights and freedoms” MEPs were absent at least once out of the 3 votes analysed.
Political Group | Country | First name | Last name | |
ID | Finland | Laura | HUHTASAARI | laura.huhtasaari@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Finland | Teuvo | HAKKARAINEN | teuvo.hakkarainen@europarl.europa.eu |
ID | Germany | Bernhard | ZIMNIOK | bernhard.zimniok@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Greece | Kostas | PAPADAKIS | konstantinos.papadakis@europarl.europa.eu |
NR | Greece | Lefteris | NIKOLAOU-ALAVANOS | lefteris.nikolaou@europarl.europa.eu |
The path will be long to convince more than 80% of MEPs not to set up the European digital dictatorship…
Here is now a list of videos of MEPs who talk about this major subject.
Speeches by conscious and honest MEPs on the subject of the “health” crisis and the digital control of the population
20/01/2021 : Jordan Bardella – Contrats de vaccins : l’opération de « transparence » est une fumisterie ! (Facebook page of Jordan Bardella)
19/03/2021 : Ivan Vilibor Sinčić – On corona crisis (Youtube channel of Ivan Vilibor Sinčić)
22/04/2021 : Michèle Rivasi – Opacité des contrats vaccinaux européens (French Independent Scientific Council)
03/06/2021 : Michèle Rivasi – Certificats sanitaires & passeport vaccinal : une histoire européenne ? (French Independent Scientific Council)
23/09/2021 : Michèle Rivasi – Organisation Covax pour un accès équitable aux doses de vaccin (French Independent Scientific Council)
01/10/2021 : Virginie Joron – Vaccins (Pfizer): 400 cas d’effets indésirables chez des bébés de 2 ans (Youtube channel of Virginie Joron)
18/10/2021 : Virginie Joron – Le pass sanitaire obligatoire jusqu’en juillet 2022 : et combien de doses encore ? (Youtube channel of Virginie Joron)
21/10/2021 : MEPs defending fundamental rights against abusive use of Digital Covid Certificate (Youtube channel of Ivan Vilibor Sinčić)
29/10/2021 : MEPs Supporting the rights of workers against the mandatory Digital Certificate – press conference (Youtube channel of Cristian Terhes)
10/11/2021 : Michèle Rivasi – “La prolongation du pass sanitaire jusqu’en juillet 2022 est scandaleuse!” (Sud Radio)
23/11/2021 : Virginie Joron – ENVOI DU VACCIN ASTRAZENECA EN AFRIQUE : ALTRUISME OU FOURBERIE ? (Youtube channel of Virginie Joron)
25/11/2021 : MEPs fighting for freedom in the EU. Defending peoples’ rights against Mandatory Digital Certificate (Youtube channel of Cristian Terhes)
03/12/2021 : Virginie Joron – Nos soignants : adulés pendant la première vague, dégagés dès la 5e ? (Youtube channel of Virginie Joron)
08/12/2021 : 5 MEPs responding to Ursula von der Leyen’s proposal to talk about mandatory vaccination in EU (Youtube channel of Cristian Terhes)
14/01/2022 : Virginie Joron – Pass vaccinal, le sésame pour retrouver nos libertés ? (Youtube channel of Virginie Joron)
28/01/2022 : Virginie Joron – Identité numérique : ce monde qu’ils nous imposent (Youtube channel of Virginie Joron)
31/01/2022 : Michèle Rivasi – Pfizer, Ursula von der Leyen, une histoire de SMS (Sud Radio)
10/02/2022 : Virginie Joron – Témoignage d’une sage-femme face à l’obligation vaccinale des femmes enceintes (Youtube channel of Virginie Joron)
15/02/2022 : Virginie Joron – Débat sur la transparence autour des contrats de vaccins (France Soir)
29/03/2022 : Virginie Joron – À Bruxelles, McKinsey facture aussi plein pot ! (Youtube channel of Virginie Joron)
05/04/2022 : Table ronde sur les effets de secondaires qui seraient liés aux vaccins Covid ! (France Soir)
11/04/2022 : Michèle Rivasi alerte sur l’influence de McKinsey sur l’OMS et la Fondation Gates (Sud Radio)
08/09/2022 : Virginie Joron – Lettre déchirante d’un père qui a perdu sa fille (3e dose) (Youtube channel of Virginie Joron)
14/09/2022 : Michèle Rivasi “Les États membres sont obligés d’acheter des vaccins jusqu’en 2023 c’est incroyable” (Sud Radio)
10/10/2022 : Pfizer representitive’s full hearing in the special COVID committee of the European Parliament (Youtube channel of Cristian Terhes)
11/10/2022 : Press conference after Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla refused to answer in front of European Parliament (Youtube channel of Cristian Terhes)
12/10/2022 : Virginie Joron – Pfizer avoue ne pas avoir testé l’efficacité de ses vaccins contre la transmission du COVID ! (Sud Radio)
19/10/2022 : Professor Perronne’s conference at the European Parliament in Strasbourg (Youtube channel of Virginie Joron)
01/11/2022 : Le représentant de Ursula von der Leyen bredouille son texte sur l’achat des vaccins Covid ! (Youtube channel of Virginie Joron)
Few MEPs are working on this major subject to ensure that our rights and freedoms are respected. As indicated during their various speeches, it’s only with the support of the people that they can carry our voice. It’s up to us to continue to act in the direction of democracy for the future of our childrens. Let’s be vigilant during the next votes related to the Digital Identity Certificate. And let’s not forget that, in less than 2 years, the European elections will take place!