

Position of MEPs on “sanitary” measures
Position of MEPs on “sanitary” measures

Position of MEPs on “sanitary” measures

Lecture / Reading / Lectura : 10 minutes / minutos During this health crisis, many political, medical, scientific, legal, journalistic, artistic Personalities rose up against disproportionate measures that have been imposed by governments and by the European Union. This article will analyze the position of MEPs on the subject of the health crisis. At the end of the article, I also share with you some videos of MEPs key speeches.

Dysfunctions of the management of the Covid crisis
Dysfunctions of the management of the Covid crisis

Dysfunctions of the management of the Covid crisis

Lecture / Reading / Lectura : 13 minutes / minutos Today, part of the people no longer trust the current government to manage the health crisis. Many inconsistencies in the speech, the lack of transparency, increasingly liberticidal and anti-democratic actions question the practices of this health crisis management.